Like the kid who drops his ice cream cone on the sidewalk, I have dropped the ball.

I was fully prepared to post something that had something to do with food Sunday night. And then things got busy. And then I forgot.

I’ll make up for it, though. I promise.

The ice cream cone thing? I’ve done it only once, while wrapping up a long tourist day as a kid in Washington D.C. It was summer, it was hot, and we stopped at a HoJo near our hotel to get some ice cream to cool off. I think i had like three licks before I stepped off the curb to cross the street and the top of the cone plopped in the middle of the crosswalk.

To an 8 year old, is there anything as disappointing?


  1. Ummm…I realize you have a memory that goes back to the womb…but that was me!!! That’s my ice cream story in D.C. I stood in the street and cried and dad had to come and get me. I’m quite certain we can get confirmation on that this weekend.


  2. As I get older, I find that my usually reliable memory becomes less reliable. People who are about to turn 40 may soon begin to experience something similar ;)

    But I did get the details correct, right?


  3. correct details….mom and dad confirmed that…and I thought it was some fancy ice cream parlor, not a HoJos…and I remember waiting forever to get that ice cream.

    I’ll buy you an ice cream this weekend.


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