runpregameI’m running 10 miles tomorrow.

Let me be more specific. I’m traveling 10 miles on foot tomorrow. Some of that will be running. Some will be walking. I was bothered by this mix as recently as a couple weeks ago, but I’m good with the idea tonight.

Fred came out from Columbus to join me tomorrow morning. He’ll start with me, but at some point he’ll set out on his own pace. I’m thrilled that he would come out for this and I know I’ll appreciate his support tomorrow morning.

Mrs. Crappy will probably be sleeping when Fred and I start the race, but she did all of her work tonight, prepping a delicious pre-race meal of steak, lemon-garlic pasta and asparagus.

I know a bunch of people running tomorrow, and I assume I’ll know a few spectators as well. If you see me, say something encouraging. I’ll be the guy having fun at the back of the pack.

1 Comment

  1. I’m doing a race tomorrow, too! Hot Chocolate 5k for me! I’m sure there will be walking involved. Have a good race!!


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