When the local Twitter peeps use their powers for good, some pretty cool stuff can happen.

I saw that firsthand last month, when we visited the Harris Grill bearing piles of winter clothing. The first-ever Pittsburgh HeatUp TweetUp meant a mountain of stuf was delivered to the shelter run by the First Presbyterian Church of East Liberty.

We also found out I have the largest head in the Tri-State Area, but that’s a bit beside the point.

There’s another cool thing going on Thursday night, something that I cannot attend but you should definitely check out: our local version of Twestival, an international Tweetup to raise money for charity : water, a group that helps to provide safe and clean drinking water around the globe. Our version will be held at Downey’s House in Robinson Township, and, according to organizer Holly Maust (@hmaust for those who speak Twitter), live music, food, drink and a boatload of raffle prizes.

As I said, I won’t be able to attend, because I’ll be thoroughly enjoying the school board meeting I’ll be attending instead. But given that Must-See TV night isn’t what it used to be, you should definitely attend. Drinks, friends, prizes and a good cause — how many more reasons do you need?

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