There were like three people taking my picture all at once and I wasn't sure which way to look. Which is how I ended up with the odd expression on my face.

I don’t think I could have come up with a dumber name for my entry at last weekend’s Sangria Fest in North Park. Fortunately, I also don’t think I could have come up with a better white sangria for the party — and I’m especially fortunate that the judges thought it was pretty good too.

Click on this pic of the lovely Mrs. Crappy trying to get every last bit of a sangria jello shot, and you'll be magically transported to the Flickr set of my Sangria Fest photos.

It was good enough to net me a plastic trophy; more importantly, it was good enough that a bunch of you asked me how I made it. Here you go:

The hard part.

This was the inspiration for my sangria, and while it’s not actually all that hard, it does take a little time.

Many years ago, a friend of mine in Columbus turned me on to a great summertime tradition — filling a jug with vodka and pineapple chunks, letting it stew in the fridge for a while and occasionally pouring some over ice to help with summertime relaxation efforts.

I’ve done it a few times, and I’ve found that I like rum in place of the vodka even better. And when we heard about Sangria Fest, I knew this would be the key to whatever it was I was going to make.

Again — a difficulty factor of about 2:  Core and cut up a pineapple, dump the chunks in a good-sized jug or a jar and pour on the rum — I used Bacardi white — until the pineapple is covered. Don’t touch it for a couple days; after that, if you take a sample or two, be sure to add just enough additional rum to make sure the pineapple stays covered.

I think this is important: the rum I used for the sangria soaked with the pineapple for about a month. You could use pineapple-flavored rum, but you’re going to miss the sweet that you get with the little pieces of pineapple floating in the home-infused stuff.

The rest.

The basic proportions for my recipe came from here, but there’s a bunch of stuff I tweaked. Here’s how it went:

  • I used a bottle of Barefoot Pinot Grigio (cheap but flavorful).
  • I used the juice of two oranges (Valencias, specifically) and two lemons, instead of the singles called for in the recipe. Also, I used the juice only — the rinds never made it into the pitcher.
  • I cored and chopped another fresh pineapple and put all the chunks in the pitcher. I could have used the pineapple from the rum, but after a month, they were really boozy, and that would have taken away from the flavor I was looking for.
  • I made my test batch without the coconut rum, and it wasn’t as good; I think you really need that extra flavor in the background. Probably important: I used low-test (20 proof) coconut rum; I wanted flavor, not alcohol heat.
  • I used way more booze that the recipe calls for. The nice folks at seem to think three shots of coconut rum is enough; I went with a little more than a cup of coconut rum and a little more than a cup of the pineapple infused rum.
  • I used absolutely no sugar. The pineapple rum and the orange juice is sweet enough. If you let the citrus rinds soak in the sangria, a little extra sweetener might be necessary, though.
  • To be honest, I’m not sure how much ginger ale I added. Pour until you can barely taste it.
  • Stir it up and keep it cold. I liked it served over ice and if I had remembered to bring some fresh mint, I think that would have been a tasty garnish.

There you go. If you told me you liked it — and I really appreciate everyone who said so — you have plenty of time to give it a try for yourself this summer.

And if you come up with a better name, go for it. Please.


  1. We were at a neighbor’s house (old neighborhood) and she had a bowl of pineapple soaked in vodka sitting out for the adults to sample. Probably should have placed the bowl higher as your nephew number two grabbed one and tossed it in his mouth. After a second he made a terrible face and spit it out saying that it was nasty and something was wrong with it. Thank God he thought it was bad!


  2. Welcome back to the blogosphere, UC, and with booze, yum. I’m not sure I could get past the rum soaked pineapple stage.


  3. Oh- I forgot to ask – is there by chance, the possibility of the Penguin playoffs still happening in P-burg? You are getting a bit scruffy –


    1. somehow my first response was not actually posted (maybe I should have hit ‘post comment’?) – hmmm – the moment and comment have now left me – something with ‘flappy snappy’ possibly ‘nappy wappy’ in it – either way – enjoy all of the benefits and attributions that accompany such an honor


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