
That’s about how many hours you have left to enter the Tenth Annual Uncle Crappy NCAA Final Four Challenge (Brought to you by Bocktown).

I’m starting to see a trickle of entries, but when compared with this point in past years, we’re looking at a pretty sparse field. I mean, someone’s going to win a $50 Bocktown gift card — it might as well be you.

(Or Mrs. Crappy. That would be OK too.)

Here’s the standard summary: It’s free. It’s easy. And there’s $50 in food and drink for the winner. You’ll find all the rules right here.

No, Kiefer Sutherland won’t hunt you down if you fail to enter. But fifty bucks buys a lot of beer cheese-and-bacon fries, boys and girls.


  1. ok. i will send my picks, even though i know they are silly.
    question about the tiebreaker. is it closest correct total score *without going over* or just closest total score? for some reason i need to know if price is right rules are in effect…


    1. I used to specify that regularly, and for some reason, I forgot this year. We do not follow Price is Right rules; the closest total, over or under, is our winner. Thanks!


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