a good start.

Mrs. Crappy Weekend, so far:

1) Eighth-row seats to see Wilco in Athens in April.

2) Dinner at D’s (her choice — honest!).

3) A fun evening at AA’s Living Room. Always a good time.

4) A very productive day at the home and garden show — a good thing, since we now own a home and hope to someday have a garden.

The result? A happy Mrs. Crappy. Thanks to everyone who’s helped.


WHEREAS, Mrs. Crappy, the wife of the proprietor of this blog, has had a kind of miserable week; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Crappy was forced to endure the destruction of her family homestead by fire on Sunday night; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Crappy was screwed out of attending a concert by Dark Star Orchestra on Tuesday because she was asked to cover a school board meeting in the place of a reporter who was covering a police standoff in Zelienople instead; and

WHEREAS, Said school board meeting was unproductive and didn’t actually require the presence of Mrs. Crappy; and

WHEREAS, There has been at least one other instance of Mrs. Crappy’s Work getting in the way of Mrs. Crappy’s Fun; and

WHEREAS, We’re going to try to do something nice for Mrs. Crappy to offset the torture and agony of this week; and

WHEREAS, I’m thinking we’re going to need more than a single day to offset said torture and agony; and

WHEREAS, So let’s set it up so we have an entire Mrs. Crappy Weekend; and

WHEREAS, I’m thinking we should just go ahead and start this right now; and

WHEREAS, If you see Mrs. Crappy this weekend, you should be extra nice to her and offer to give her a backrub or buy her a beer or something; and

WHEREAS, If you have suggestions about perhaps meeting her somewhere I’d be happy to make some arrangements; and

WHEREAS, If, alternately, you don’t think you’ll run into Mrs. Crappy over the weekend, you could always leave a nice, uplifting comment at the end of this post;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Friday, February 27; Saturday, February 28; and Sunday, March 1, 2009, shall be declared “Mrs. Crappy Weekend” in the City of Pittsburgh, the County of Allegheny and Any Other Surrounding Environs Mrs. Crappy Deems Fit To Include;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that anyone who should happen to encounter Mrs. Crappy during “Mrs. Crappy Weekend” in the City of Pittsburgh, the County of Allegheny and Any Other Surrounding Environs Mrs. Crappy Deems Fit To Include is hereby encouraged to generally be nice to her and stuff so that she may be aided in the effort to put this horrible week behind her.

IT IS HEREBY PRONOUNCED, on Friday, February 27, 2009, by Uncle Crappy. Amen.


I was pleased this morning to find a copy of Tuesday’s show had already been uploaded at the Archive. If you’re so inclined, you can download your copy here.

And, as an illustration of how shaky my 42-year-old memory can be, you’ll find a copy of the setlist below. I used to write these down as a show progressed; I might have to start doing that again.

Tuning/Saints Go Marching In > Iko-Iko / Wang Dang Doodle / Dire Wolf > Silver Threads And Golden Needles / Mr. Charlie / Lazy River Road / Passenger / Mission In The Rain / Pride of Cucamonga >King Bee > Pride of Cucamonga / Tangled Up In Blue
St. Stephen > Two Souls In Communion > Not Fade Away > St. Stephen > William Tell Bridge > The Eleven > New Potato Caboose > Drums > Space > Comes A Time > Throwing Stones > Touch Of Grey > Not Fade Away
Let Me Sing Your Blues Away

dark starred.


Last night, presented in pleasing bullet form:

  • The meeting that Mrs. Crappy was asked to cover turned out to be a waste of time; the board did nothing, and she didn’t need to be there.
  • Carnegie Music Hall: Wow, what a cool old place. The library complex is huge, taking up an entire block and looming over the Waterfront and the Mon below. The compact theater occupies just a small portion of the building. I was sitting upstairs on one of the wings of the wraparound balcony, with a nice, clear view of the stage.
  • “Sitting” probably isn’t the right word. Although I need more breaks than I used to, I still dance through most of the show. My seats were at the top of the section, so I stood behind them in the outer aisle, bouncing on the loose floorboards in time to the music.
  • The music: This is the first time I’ve seen DSO when they’ve played an original setlist, instead of pulling one from the Grateful Dead archives, and that worked just fine. They opened with Iko-Iko — pretty much a necessity for Mardi Gras — and played a mostly laid-back, country-fied first set, until they wrapped it with a monstrous Tangled Up In Blue. Highlight of the second: St. Stephen>Not Fade Away>St. Stephen>William Tell bridge>The Eleven. NFA returned after Throwing Stones to close the set. Big, old-school fun.
  • Picky Deadhead gripe: Let Me Sing Your Blues Away as the encore? I can think of, oh, a couple hundred better choices off the top of my head.
  • Towards the end of the first set, I met Twitchy Guy, who was a bit too, uh, stimulated for his own good. Some of you might have seen my Tweet about this during the set break: Standsitstandpacedancesitstandtalkdancesitstand. He kept showing me annoyed texts from someone I assume was his wife and asking me about what song they were playing now. I used to be good at shutting out people like that at a show; that’s a skill I need to re-acquire.
  • I continue to marvel HOW FREAKING CLOSE WE LIVE TO EVERYTHING NOW. Show was over at 11:55 p.m. I was walking through my front door at 12:15 a.m. Ahhh.
  • A pleasant side effect of me begging for company last night: I found a surprising number of people who might actually share some of my musical tastes, and a few others who are at least curious enough that they sounded disappointed they couldn’t come. Next time DSO rolls through town, I’m making sure at least a dozen of yinz are coming with me.

one night only.

I’ve already written once today about the fact that I might be a bit excited about seeing Dark Star Orchestra tonight.

My excitement has just been tempered a bit by a phone call from Mrs. Crappy, who has been assigned to cover a school board meeting because some clown has barricaded himself in his house in Zelienople.

I’m still going — and I hope you’ll come with me.

Yeah, it’s short notice —  as in four-hours-before-the-show short notice — but this could be your one chance to observe Uncle Crappy in his natural habitat.

Showtime is at 8, and I’d guess it’ll go around three hours or so. To kind of limit this to people I’m relatively acquainted with, DM me if you’re interested and we’ll make arrangements from there.

let the good times roll.

A whole bunch of history and culture could possibly converge tonight at the Carnegie Music Hall in Homestead, and I’m happy to say I’ll be right there in the middle of it.

grateful-dead-poster-mardi-gras-19951. Today is Fat Tuesday, the final day before the start of Lent and a day reserved for excess of all kinds — which naturally makes it one of my favorite days of the year. Although there are Mardi Gras celebrations all over the world, in this country the grandaddy of all Mardi Gras parties is in New Orleans.

2. Early on the morning of Jan. 31, 1970, New Orleans police burst through the doors of the French Quarter hotel where members of the Grateful Dead were staying during a two-show run in town. To no one’s surprise, the police found *gasp* drugs in the band’s rooms and several members of band and its staff spent a long night working out bail arrangements so they could play later that evening. The bust turned out to be a centerpiece of “Truckin’,” the GD song released on American Beauty a few months later. Several lines from the song directly reference the bust:

Sittin’ and starin’ out of the hotel window.
Got a tip they’re gonna kick the door in again …
I’d like to get some sleep before I travel,
But if you got a warrant, I guess you’re gonna come in.

Busted, down on Bourbon Street;
Set up, like a bowling pin.
Knocked down, it gets to wearin’ thin.
They just won’t let you be, oh no.

Another line — “Houston, too close to New Orleans” — references the band’s alleged vow to never return to the city again.

3. They didn’t live up to that vow, though, playing three shows at the Saenger Performing Arts Center in 1980 and 1982 and another at Keifer Arena in 1988.

And that’s where tonight comes in. I’m seeing Dark Star Orchestra at Carnegie Music Hall, and I’m betting there’s a good chance we see a re-creation of one of those New Orleans set lists. DSO is a Grateful Dead cover band with a pretty cool shtick — they usually pick a show from at some point in the GD history and re-create it on stage, all the way down to personnel and song arrangements specific to that era. That means extra fun for the audience, which tries to guess the year — or for those who are really good, the specific show — we’re listening to.

I’m betting the folks in DSO won’t miss the fact that today is Mardi Gras, and that they’ll play us one of those New Orleans set lists tonight. I could be totally wrong about this, because there are, after all, about 2,300 shows to choose from, but c’mon — you’re playing a show on Mardi Gras. How could you not laissez les bon temps roulez?