
Late this afternoon, I had to take a drive out to Midland to check on a fire call. The call didn’t turn out to be anything, but I was struck by something on the way back.

I’m certain it had to do with the combination of the music I had playing in the car — a version of my October mix, a slightly twangy, slightly melancholy Americana playlist — and the cool air blowing through the windows as I drove along the north shore of the Ohio River. As I drove by an overgrown old railroad trestle, I thought this:

I’m ready for fall.

Flickr photo: “Right turn off of Sweetman’s Lane,” by joiseyshowaa.


  1. For the first time in my life, I’m ready for fall too. I used to hate when the warm weather would begin to fade. But maybe since Pittsburgh has had a thumbs-down summer this year in terms of weather, it’s time to move on. I like me some cool crisp air.


  2. PLEEASE put more pictures up like that..we just don’t see it here…and there’s nothing like the leaves, the colors, the crispy air, breathing that air, putting on a coat, the smell of wet leaves, your ears getting a little cold…

    I miss that and am sad that my children won’t know it. I too am ready for a fall that never comes.


  3. Jennie: You’re right — the Summer That Never Really Got Started might have something to do with it too.

    E: That gives me an idea for a late-October post. Like, say, on the 26th…

    HP: It’s probably going to start snowing in Cleveland in time for the Toledo game, right? Enjoy it while you can.


  4. I was waiting for you to tell us that you took that pic on the way home…that fall had already started in Western PA…that unchecked carbon emissions were responsible.


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